Monday, August 3, 2009

In a single day

I'm tired...very tired...but on the other hand...i feel quite happy...yet sad at the same time...happy cause i know God's always there for me no matter what happens...leading me, guiding me, comforting me...thank you God...i LOVE You. The sad part...well...its kinda long story...but all this happened in just one day, which is today. Satan has been doing his works among ppl, his main purpose is to kill, steal and destroy. And MAN...has he been doing a hell of a good job. First, 2 of my friends misund each other and now they dun even talk, then, saw another friend of mine...kinda dejected...he doesn't show it but i noe he is...,then little david is hospitalized for high fever...and so on...sigh...when all of these things happen, the only thing dat comes to my mind is PRAYER...and so i prayed...i'm praying even while i'm typing this...i hv faith that God will answer my prayers...all things are possible with God. Satan might hv his fun now but in the end...he will fall...I hv always believed everything happens for a purpose...everything is part of God's wonderful and brilliant my bro's and sis in christ who are feeling down...just pray and surrender everything at God's feet. Find peace and rest in Him. All i hope for now is for everyone to be happy. I want to see everyone smile, not a fake smile of course. A smile from the heart. =) The bigger the better. I'll be praying for all of my friends. THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING. =)

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